
Understanding building renovation passports: customised solutions to boost deep renovation and increase comfort in a decarbonised Europe (6-227-17)

Mariangiola Fabbri, Building Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), Belgium

This is a peer-reviewed paper.


audit, auditor tool, policy recommendations, renovation, overcoming barriers, non-energy benefits (NEBs), energy performance certificates, deep renovations, comfort


Increasing the current EU annual renovation rate from 1.2% to 2-3% is essential to ensure a highly-efficient and fully decarbonised building stock by 2050. Increasing building renovation rates while aiming at achieving “deep renovations” is of paramount importance. Building owners face multiple barriers to improve the energy performance of their buildings. Together with difficulty to access finance, one of the most often quoted barriers is the lack of knowledge about what to do, where to start, and which measures to implement in which order.
Despite their potential, Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) have a limited market penetration and their acceptance by the users varies across member states. As a result, their relevance for owners and their stimulating effect for the renovation of buildings is limited. While increased thermal comfort and air quality, better daylight entry and improved health of occupants are among the most important benefits and drivers for renovation, they are not currently covered by EPCs.
Based on three initiatives from France, Belgium and Germany, this paper explores the notion of Building Renovation Passport (BRP) as an evolution of EPCs and initiate a dialogue to promote its introduction across the EU. Aiming at creating a comprehensive and user-friendly instrument to support building owners with personalised instructions on their renovation options, the BRP outlines a long-term step-by-step renovation roadmap for a specific building, resulting from an on-site energy audit fulfilling specific quality criteria and indicators established in dialogue with building owners. Building owners receive a user-friendly, personalised renovation plan, presenting all the expected benefits of renovation, including non-energy benefits. Combined with a logbook, a repository of information on aspects like energy consumption and production and financing opportunities, BRP can become a powerful instrument to boost deep renovation.

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Panels of the eceee 2017 Summer Study on energy efficiency:

Panel 1. Foundations of future energy policy

Panel 2. Policy: governance, design, implementation and evaluation challenges

Panel 3. Local action

Panel 4. Mobility, transport, and smart and sustainable cities

Panel 5. Buildings and construction technologies and systems

Panel 6. Buildings policies, directives and programmes

Panel 7. Appliances, products, lighting and ICT

Panel 8. Monitoring and evaluation: building confidence and enhancing practices

Panel 9. Consumption and behaviour

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