Back to reality: How domestic energy efficiency policies in four European countries can be improved by using empirical data instead of normative calculation (7-305-13)
Marie-Hélène Laurent, EDF - R&D Département ENERBAT, FranceRay GALVIN, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Tadj ORESZCZYN, University College of London, United Kingdom
Casper TIGCHELAAR, Energy Center of the Netherlands, The Netherlands
Benoit ALLIBE, EDF R&D, France
Ian Hamilton, University College of London, Energy Institute, United Kingdom
This is a peer-reviewed paper.
Directive on Energy Performance in Buildings (EPBD), energy savings calculation, rebound effects, residential customers, space heating, saving targets, discrepancy effect, prebound effectAbstract
It is now well established that there is a serious gap between normative Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) type calculations and the measured energy consumption in the domestic sector. The fact that there are similarities in this gap between different European countries with varied housing stocks, different normative (EPC) dwelling consumption calculation methods and different cultural norms is surprising. This important gap does not only affect current consumptions analysis (see works about “prebound effect”), but also the estimation of energy saving potential and its’ cost-effectiveness.
This paper presents the results of comparing the differences between measured consumption and normative estimations of residential energy consumptions using national standard (EPC) calculations in four European countries (United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and Germany) by researchers based in each country. The potential causes of this gap are discussed in terms of behavioral change, technological performance and the application of normative models. Normative calculations are often currently used to help develop both European and national energy efficiency policies. In the recast of the EPBD directive for example, cost-optimality calculations for major renovations and Nearly-Zero-Energy Buildings are based on normative standards. The paper provides examples of the potential impact that using normative as opposed to more realistic calculations may have on policy decisions.
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Panels of the eceee 2013 Summer Study:
Panel 1. Foundations of future energy policy
Panel 2. Energy efficiency policies: What delivers?
Panel 3. Local action and national examples
Panel 4. Transport and mobility: How to deliver energy efficiency
Panel 5B. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Policy and programmes
Panel 6. Appliances, product policy and ICT
Panel 7. Monitoring and evaluation
Panel 8. Dynamics of consumption
Panel 5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies