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Rethinking energy efficiency delivery – what can we learn from sport?

Panel: 2. Energy efficiency policies: What delivers?

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Jo Hamilton, ECI-CREDS, University of Oxford - Environmental Change Institute
, United Kingdom


Should we rethink government approach to energy efficiency delivery? Have government energy behaviour change programs delivered the long-term sustainable change of the quantum needed to address anthropogenic climate change? Is it time to look at other models and approaches used to deliver large behaviour change action? The physical and human infrastructure that facilitates behaviour change through community based sport and recreation programs is the result of decades of deliberative government funding, delivering one of the largest behaviour change programs across major developed economies. In the face of global climate change it has been suggested that to move to an energy efficient and low carbon economy will need similar levels of behaviour change.

By examining the delivery of sport related behaviour change at a local community level in Australia and the UK, we can envision a new approach to delivering the resources and structures needed to transition to an energy efficient economy. The research shows that involvement in sport at a community level in both countries is provided through a cohesive and well organised training and support structure, developed over many years, which combines the expertise of sporting professionals with the local involvement of thousands of community volunteers. This is contrasted to the nature and level of government resources devoted to community level energy efficiency programmes and their support structures, which is patchy, inconsistent and short term.

This paper considers the lessons of sport policy delivery to examine the human and physical infrastructure required to sustain significant and widespread energy efficiency household behaviour change. Drawing on recent research on local energy governance, the paper highlights the potential roles of all levels of government in developing and maintaining an infrastructure that can support and expand community level energy efficiency programmes.


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Download this paper as pdf: 2-105-13_Hamilton.pdf