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TIPCHECK: an innovative European energy audit standard for industrial installations

Panel: 1. Programmes to promote industrial energy efficiency

Andreas Gürtler, European Industrial Insulation Foundation, Switzerland
Neus Barres-Badia, European Industrial Insulation Foundation, Switzerland


Although the EU seems to be doing its homework cutting CO2 levels and increasing renewable energy sources by 20%, the latest estimates show already a wide gap between the agreed 20-20-20 targets and the projected reality for 2020 concerning the 20% energy consumption reduction and the energy savings forecasted. According to the latest World Energy Outlook from the IEA, two-thirds of the economic potential to improve energy efficiency will remain untapped between now and 2035. Why is this cost-effective and large potential still untapped? One major reason is the lack of awareness –especially among the main decision makers– about the large savings potential of energy efficiency technologies such as industrial insulation. Another reason is that the level of insulation is based on minimum investment decisions such as safety requirements regarding the maximum surface temperatures and minimum process needs. Split responsibilities and budgets and often outdated maximum heat loss rates in industrial environments are also responsible for this failure. It is against this background that the European Industrial Insulation Foundation (EiiF) launched its TIPCHECK Programme. Within this programme, the EiiF carries out thermal energy audits to quantify the amount of energy and money an industrial facility is losing with its current insulation system (including uninsulated parts). TIPCHECKs contribute to energy management systems like ISO 50001 and indicate possibilities to reduce identified energy losses. The energy audits are carried out by insulation experts trained to perform high quality thermal audits based on national and international insulation standards such as VDI 2055 and ISO 12241. The result: tailor-made insulation proposals that demonstrate the environmental and financial value of industrial insulation, which is nowadays a modern, cost-effective and easily-achievable first step to meet sustainability objectives with payback times of just one year or even less.


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