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Laboratory qualification for verification procedures – learning from ATLETE project

Panel: 7. Appliances, product policy and the ICT supply chain

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Rainer Stamminger, University of Bonn - Section Household and Appliance Technology, Germany
Angelika Schmitz, University of Bonn, Germany


Verification of the compliance of gadgets under the energy label and ecodesign regulation is essential to ensure a level playing field on the market and the achievement of the savings in energy expected and other resources. In Europe, this is task of the national market surveillance authorities (MSA), which will normally ask a competent testing laboratory to carry out the relevant measurements when it comes to verifying any data declared. However, carrying out those tests is not a simple task and errors may occur, even if the laboratory is accredited. How can MSAs reduce the risk of issuing false verdicts of wrong declaration, based on errors in the underlying measurements?

ATLETE (Appliance Testing for Energy Label & Evaluation) is a European-funded project which organised the verification of refrigerators and freezers (ATLETE I) and washing-machines (ATLETE II) on a European-wide scale. In the case of ATLETE II, 50 washing-machines taken from the market were measured and assessed in six qualified laboratories. Additionally, five laboratories took part in a mini-round robin test to build up additional qualified laboratory capacity. All in all, more than 70 datasets of measurement data on 50 washing-machines are available from ATLETE II, which is a unique chance to evaluate the process capability of the individual laboratory, as well as the overall repeatability of the measurement system (together with the product variation) looking for statistical quality control measures. Knowing these measures, testing laboratories and MSAs may have the tool to check the quality of the measurements carried out and, thus, get confidence in the actions they are supposed to take.

The problem is elaborated in the presentation and a series of solutions are discussed in detail.


Download this presentation as pdf: 7-012-15_Stamminger_pre.pdf

Download this paper as pdf: 7-012-15_Stamminger.pdf