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On the way to change of scale: review of NEEAPs’ energy efficiency strategies for buildings

Panel: 2. Energy efficiency policies: What delivers?

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Jean-Sébastien Broc, IEECP (Institute for a European Energy and Climate Policy), The Netherlands
Veronika Czako, JRC - Institute for Energy and Transport, Unit F7 Renewable Energy, Italy
Paolo Bertoldi, JRC - Institute for Energy and Transport, Unit F7 Renewable Energy, Italy


The review of the second National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs) of EU Member States has shown that many of them are facing a critical challenge in terms of changing the scale of energy efficiency improvement efforts. Their objectives for 2016 or 2020 reflect a very significant increase in the delivery of actions and/or energy savings (often 5 to 10-fold in the annual rate of actions for the residential sector).

This paper first analyses the key barriers to address for achieving these changes of scale. Then it highlights a selection of measures that represent examples useful for policy-makers in terms of strategies for scaling up the energy efficiency programmes.

These selected measures deal with such key energy efficiency policy components or objectives as funding mechanisms, training of skilled staff, and mobilization of relevant actors. They intend to support an increase in the number and/or in the quality of actions implemented. The types of measures covered include schemes to stimulate the offer of energy savings actions or packages, to involve construction or renovation companies, to encourage comprehensive renovations at the district level, performance-based financial incentives, financial guarantees, knowledge sharing and training.

The paper brings a useful insight, especially for Member States preparing detailed roadmaps to structure their energy efficiency strategies for buildings, as required by the new Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU).


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