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The Role of NEEAPs, measurement methods and national targets to achieve the EU 2020 energy saving goal

Panel: 2. Energy efficiency policies: What delivers?

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) Ispra, Italy
Caiman Cahill, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Italy


In the discussions of the 20% energy saving target for 2020, and in particular in the discussion of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), the issue of a binding energy saving targets for Member States was extensively debated.

In the EED there is an EU target on maximum primary energy consumption (in Mtoe), that can be monitored with statistical data. Mandatory targets for Member States are not imposed due to the complexity of defining them (apportioning based on different possible criteria such as energy efficiency potential, economic capabilities, etc.), and due to the complexity of measuring energy savings. In particular beside the shortcomings of the different energy savings methods (bottom up, top down based on indicators, econometric models, etc.) also the data needed to measure the energy saving in an accurate manner is often missing and it is not of the desired quality.

As an alternative to measuring energy consumption, efficiency progress in the different sectors can be monitored by using indicators (e.g. Odyssee).

The paper argues that policies and measures are key to achieving both EU and national energy savings. It is therefore important to monitor and evaluate which policies and measures MSs have adopted, how these policies are part of a coherent strategy to achieve policy goals, how these policies and measures have been implemented, including financing. The experience of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans under the ESD is a first positive step in this direction, even if only a few NEEAPs submitted allows for a good assessment of the quality of policy measures.

The papers argues and concludes/ that a combination of detailed NEEAPs (including assessment of the policy implemented under different criteria), with detailed indicators or bottom up calculations, when good data is available, could be used as alternative to binding MSs targets, and should allow to predict the path/trajectory towards the achievement of the EU 2020 target.


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