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Participation as a driver for energy efficiency and universal design: learning from case studies of ambitious upgrading of post-war multi-residential buildings

Panel: 5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Erica Löfström, NTNU Department of Psychology, Norway
Åshild Lappegård Hauge, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, Energy and Environment, Norway


The post-war multi-residential buildings form a considerable part of the building stock in Norway. This part of the building stock is facing considerable challenges in relation to upgrading. This paper presents results from the analysis of seven case studies of the upgrading process such buildings that have been part of the research project REBO. The analysis is based on a multi-disciplinary approach and representatives of the different work-packages and disciplines have cooperated closely. The overall perspective is to highlight characteristics and lessons that can be learned from the separate case studies. The case studies consist of multi-residential buildings that have been or are in the process of being upgraded (to passive house standard and/or in other ways ambitiously upgraded). The cases vary in type of residents, building typology, range of upgrading and chosen technical solutions. By studying how different ambitions are handled in actual examples, we draw conclusions on how they relate to each other. Initially, the intention was to study cases focusing on energy efficiency, universal design and user participation, but such projects were difficult to find. However, there seems to be no reason not to combine ambitious renovation in these three areas. Different ambitions could well be beneficial for each other. Especially ambitious user participation is a potential driver for the other two. Introducing ambitious goals is essential and the sooner, the better. We suggest contacting housing cooperatives that are in the process of upgrading, and make sure extensive ambitions are discussed. It is more difficult to get support for ambitious measures in relation to universal design than for energy efficiency, but pinpointing actual user needs may help. It is also beneficial to include less expensive measures in relation to universal design in connection to other measures. A handbook with combinable measures and a database of likely candidates are suggested.


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